Hello groovy soul! I am Candy, the one woman behind Candy Artworks!

I am a self taught artist that found my passion for creating art later in life. It came to me at a point in my life where I needed to change everything and find my purpose. I was stuck in a bit of a rut bartending in a toxic environment and wanted out. I had grown up dancing competitively, singing and acting, even in college pursued theatre arts and musical theatre, and always considered myself an artist of sorts. I found that I had a natural knack for painting in a painting with a twist class in my later 20s and loved it. I was hooked and immediately went to my local Michael’s and purchased my very own first ever art supplies, and never looked back! A few years later, I took a leap of faith in 2019 and left bartending to pursue my art career full time. Now, at 36 years old, my love for creating has grown into what you see today. It has been one hell of a journey, its the hardest thing I have ever done, and I love it with all my soul. A completely humbling and beautiful experience. I thank God for the gift of art.

I enjoy creating in multiple mediums, from acrylic and oil paints to epoxy resin, pyrography, and more! I love to experiment and I am always hungry to learn more and improve my skills. I have a love for creating things that are nostalgic, inspired by nature, or pop art related. I love making things that are beautiful, but also strange and unusual. I long to connect with you through my work. If I can make things that make you feel something, I consider it a success. It brings me unexplainable joy. Each piece contains a piece of my soul and my story, forever trapped in time.

I am a bit of a modern day hippie and flower child, and consider myself to be an empath and spiritual person. I do battle two autoimmune diseases (Ulcerative Colitis and Fibromyalgia), along with other medical issues (syncope, IBS, endometriosis, and ovarian cysts) and my love for art and running my business is not only how I cope, but also my source of income. I fully believe in the healing power of art. There is nothing else I would rather do, no fallback or backup plan. I can’t explain the gratitude I have for the support I receive of my art. I LOVE animals and have 4 fur babies of my own that I spoil rotten every day: Tater, a pomeranian of 17 years, Sergio, a yorkie of 16 years, Lilly, a pittie mix of 11 years, and Miss Kitty, a feral cat gone domestic. All are rescues. Yes, when you support my art, you are helping me spoil them and also many wild birds that I keep fat and happy as well! I have a garden that I tend to every day, and that is where most of the flowers that you see in my resin work come from. I very much enjoy growing and harvesting and preparing them, and it has turned into my favorite hobby, with lifting weights in the gym coming in as a close second. I guess thrifting and collecting would be my third favorite, as I am always looking for treasure to fill my home and life with. I love setting up at markets and connecting with my customers in person, and hope to have a brick and mortar studio space in the future. Candy Artworks is here as a safe space for all to be their full selves, from walks of life. A place for us to come together in a world full of separation. LOVE ALWAYS,